I'm an Onboarder

What is an Onboarder?

An Onboarder is someone who helps, guides, and/or trains new staff members. This role is typically held by the supervisor, but may also include the support from other division contacts, peers, or collaborators.

As an Onboarder, this page will navigate you through the steps, activities, and resources necessary to successfully prepare and integrate our new employee to Berkeley Lab. Divisions can still align their local onboarding efforts to this program by using the Onboarding Checklist.

The Onboarding Programs is divided into 4 Phases:

  • Prepare (pre-hire to 1st day)

  • Orient (1st Month)

  • Integrate (2nd - 5th Months)

  • Excel (6th - 12 Months)

Onboarding Checklist

Instruction on how to use the Berkeley Lab Onboarding Activities Checklist

  1. Make a copy of the checklist by:


  1. Feel free to remove any information that is not relevant to our new staff member's role

  2. Modify the checklist by adding any division and job specific learnings and tasks

  3. You are encouraged to hold weekly check-ins at a minimum with our new staff member for the first month and refer to this checklist

Onboarder Highlights

  • Supervisors should look for the email notification from HR Shared Services announcing the starting logistics for our new staff member. This is where the onboarding experience starts.

  • Use the Onboarding checklist above to start preparing and discussing logistics for our new staff member's arrival: work mode, phone, computer/laptop, etc.

  • Work modes need to be captured by the supervisor in the Work Mode Tracking tool which can be found on the Way We Work Resources page, under Tools.

  • Follow this 4 phased model to help our new staff members learn with the appropriate information at the right time, to eliminate information overload.

  • This Onboarding program does not cover division specific details. Supervisors and division onboarding partners (e.g., Administrative support, HR Partner, etc.) will need to train our new staff members on specific activities, resources, training and tools needed for their new role.

  • Review Work Planning & Control Activities with our new staff member. Provide an overview of WPC and any required training based on their role. All required safety training will be listed in their profile in the Berkeley Lab Training System (BLT). If you need help, please contact your Division Safety Coordinator.

  • As our new staff member becomes integrated with the Lab community, encourage them to participate in learning and collaborative programs such as: